Rocking the Classroom

It’s not at all unusual for Stephen R. Meyers to teach his Geoscience 100 course while standing on a chair. Or a desk. Or, during remote learning forced by COVID-19, on the roof of his house using a drone. Meyers is always finding new ways to make learning about rocks a lot more fun.

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Here Comes the Sun

Cary Forest has pushed the boundaries of plasma physics research at UW-Madison, investigating solar wind and, now, plasma fusion — with results that could benefit medicine and the planet.

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A lineage of learning

His surname is synonymous with science on campus, but Wayland Evan Noland supports the College of Letters & Science to ensure that intellectual pursuit remains strong into the future.

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Erika Marin-Spiotta wins Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers

She is one of four University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers to win award for showing exceptional promise in independent research.

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