Investigating the World

The social sciences not only help us understand the world around us. Political scientists, social workers, journalists, economists, anthropologists and other social scientists undertake crucial work that impacts and improves the world around us.

Social science involves the systematic and evidence-based study of the social world — encompassing all of the political, economic, legal, technological and cultural ideas, structures and processes that we create to live together as a society.

Associate Dean's Message

Social Sciences News

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The Power of Persistence

What 40 years researching the critically endangered northern muriqui monkey taught Karen B. Strier about persistence.

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Social Sciences
How do humans nature interact border 900x426

How do humans and nature interact at a border?

Graduate student Alicia Barceinas Cruz explores the connection between nature and humans, seeking to unveil how they shape the Mexico–Guatemala border.

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Social Sciences
More than skin deep tn 900x426

More Than Skin Deep

Alumna Shannon Hay Seeberan has revolutionized the medical aesthetics field with her company CloudMedSpas.

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Social Sciences

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Five Things You Need to Know about the Social Sciences


Social science is the study of life — of society and the ways humans behave and influence the world.

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Five Things You Need to Know about the Social Sciences


The social sciences help explain events beyond our immediate experiences, from the causes of unemployment to what makes people happy.

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Five Things You Need to Know about the Social Sciences


Social sciences do much more than study the obvious.

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Five Things You Need to Know about the Social Sciences


Social sciences can change the world! Social scientists help solve problems such as political unrest, crime, energy crises, economic instability and health issues.

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Five Things You Need to Know about the Social Sciences


Social sciences are just as important as STEM; they provide insights into how science and innovation work.