Moving Up

Ananth Seshadri explores the factors that determine social and economic mobility.

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Menzie Chinn in Up North News: Debt ceiling vote looms large

Professor of Economics says U.S. Senate Republicans' vote to block the raising of the U.S. debt ceiling could put the national and world economy at risk.

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Menzie Chinn on Wisconsin Public Radio: Latest stimulus' positive impact may be limited

Wisconsin residents who took financial hits earlier in the pandemic may not be able to spend the new checks as freely, says Professor of Economics.

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Let there be light(board)

As part of a series, L&S is taking a look at how professors and students are adapting to teaching and learning during the global coronavirus pandemic. An economics associate professor builds a basement studio to teach a graduate class.

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Menzie Chinn on A 'W' shaped economic recovery is still a possibility

Professor of economics sees possibility of the economy improving somewhat, only to crash again. "A stall is more likely," he says.

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Keeping up with the changes in the financial system

Department of economics chair Marzena Rostek discusses the rapidly changing financial markets and how they are ahead of economic theory.

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State of the economy

The Department of Economics numbers some powerful people among its alumni.

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Menzie Chin in Quartz: A Reagan-era economic trend is making a worrisome comeback

“If the rest of the world says, ‘We don’t want to finance your current account deficit and budget deficit,’ then something has to give,” Menzie Chin says. A weaker dollar would likely help narrow the trade deficit, though its effects wouldn’t show up for a couple of years. However, it’s unlikely to weaken much given that the US is outperforming most other economies, as well as the US’s safe-haven status and the fact that the dollar is the predominant world reserve currency.

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Fahey, Thomas-Greenfield, Chazen to receive UW-Madison honorary degrees

A groundbreaking atmospheric scientist, a brilliant U.S. diplomat and an esteemed businessman and philanthropist will be awarded honorary doctoral degrees at the University of Wisconsin–Madison in May.

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