Christy Clark-Pujara in Time Magazine: Conflict in Kenosha "not terribly surprising"

Professor of History and Afro-American Studies says Wisconsin's history is "racially progressive and oppressive at the same time."

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Nan Enstad in TIME Magazine: Lessons from America's worst moments

Professor of history recalls attacks on Black Panthers' Breakfast Program.

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Global health perspective: History and healing in East Africa

For Department of History professor Neil Kodesh, a historical perspective bridges the gap for the next generation of doctors looking to practice medicine in East Africa.

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A rich performance

Actor-aluma Sarah Day ('80) uses her love of history to fuel her onstage magic.

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Students help capture campus protest voices from 50 years ago through public history project

UW–Madison students who helped collect and process audio interviews about the 1967 Dow protests on campus say they learned some valuable lessons from the accounts.

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Patrick Iber in Forbes: Mexico's 2018 election: Populism vs. prudence

The 2018 election in Mexico will have a big impact, not just for Mexico but also for multinational companies that operate in Mexico and north of the border in the US.

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Quoted in Quartz: Postdoctoral fellow Lisa Rand on China's first space lab

“When an object is uncontrolled, and its orbit is decaying, it starts tumbling,” Lisa Rand, a space junk scholar and a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Wisconsin’s Madison campus, told Quartz. The lab is subject to friction and pressure in the earth’s upper atmosphere and it will start to break apart, according to Rand.

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