Higgins Elected Leader of Guttmacher Board

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After serving on the board for five years, Associate Professor Jenny Higgins was recently elected as Chair-Elect of the Board of Directors for The Guttmacher Institute, the country’s leading think tank for reproductive health research and policy. 

Philanthropedia recently named the Guttmacher Institute as the top national organization in the area of reproductive health, rights, and justice (see here). The Institute is built on the notion that good reproductive health policy starts with credible research.

Staff at the Institute conduct world-class research on abortion, contraception, and many other reproductive health topics; communication and policy experts then work to disseminate these research findings into policy, public health, and clinical arenas. 

In her new role as Chair-Elect, Jenny will lead the board’s executive committee and assist with board leadership; in two years, she will become the board Chair.

Story courtesy of the Department of Gender & Women's Studies