Found in Translation

Alumna Kari Anderson (’04) helps families displaced by the war in Ukraine find a new path.

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L&S Experts on Ukraine

Experts from UW–Madison are available to discuss the latest situation in Ukraine with the news media. (Updated on: 6/13/2022)

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Francine Hirsch in Time Magazine: Russia, Ukraine both look to Nuremberg

Professor of history argues that Russia and Ukraine, in an attempt to control the historical narrative surrounding their ingoing conflict, are bringing up references to the Nuremberg Trials that followed World War II.

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Anton Shirikov in the Washington Post: State media controls what Russians see of the war in Ukraine

Shirikov, a Ph.D candidate in the Department of Political Science, argues that Russia's state-controlled media are masters at manipulating their audiences with propganda.

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Yoshiko Herrera in Vox: U.S. must proceed 'full speed ahead' on Ukraine strategy

Professor of political science argues that continuing to pressure Russia through economic sanctions will make the invasion of Ukraine too expensive for Vladimir Putin to continue.

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