2017 Phi Beta Kappa Inductees

April 25th 2017

Phi Beta Kappa is the nation’s oldest academic society honoring the liberal arts and sciences. Founded in 1776 at the College of William and Mary, ΦΒΚ stands for freedom of inquiry and expression, disciplinary rigor, breadth of intellectual perspective, the cultivation of skills of deliberation and ethical reflection, the pursuit of wisdom, and the application of the fruits of scholarship and research in practical life.

Phi Beta Kappa has 286 chapters at leading colleges and universities in the United States. The Society sponsors activities to advance the humanities, social sciences, and the natural sciences in higher education and in society at large.

For more information, please contact E. Alison Rice at rice@saa.ls.wisc.edu

2017 Inductees

Benjamin C. Adams
Samuel Louis Alhadeff
Samuel David Lebrun Allen
Amir Anastasios Alwan
Anna Amrita Ambrosi
Matthew P. Anderson
Kaela Elizabeth Bader
Jasmin Becerra
Sydney Antonia Beecher
Melissa Nicole Behling
Elizabeth Paige Brown
Noah Herro Brown
Kelly Shanley Bucher
Emily Ann Burg
Ailish Burns
Mackenzie Jordan Carroll
Tai Chaiamarit
Alexander Ray Chartier
Boquan (Erwin) Chen
Zoe Elise Collins
Rachel Elizabeth Conway
Cheyenne Ashleigh Coote
Christian Ross Cuevas
Audrey Sara Dalgarno
Jamie N. Dawson
Wilder Ellington Deitz
Christina Elsy Demars
Aditya Dewanjee
Michael Doubek
Christina Marie Dudley
Mitchell James Ewald
Jordan Noelle Farraj
Emma Claire Fisher
Michael M. Fisher
Kyra Isabelle Fox
Michael Patrick Foy
Kysa Lyndell Franseen
Grace Isabelle Frecentese
Emmett E. Geisler
Jason David Geissler
Bridget Edith Gilmore
Daniella Nicole Greenfield
Joshua Aaron Grosser
Rachel Grace Gruenke
Thomas Hameister
Emily Charlotte Hamer
Shae A. Hamm
Benjamin Robert Hanley
Bridget Ellen Harney
Madeline Heim
Nathan William Heinrich
Kathryn R. Hendrickson Gagen
Michael Garrett Hermsen
Rachel Heuer
Brady Colin Hirshfeld
Yeqian Hu
Emma Elizabeth Hunt
Grace Elise Hyland
Austin Robert Jasniewski
Emma Claire Johnson
Noah D. Johnson
Anna Maija Kaldjian
Nitin Kanneganti
Erica Marie Keenan
Benjamin Kerzner
Jacob Thomas Kettinger
Colin Eugene Kluender
Zachary David Legge
John Elmer Levine
Louisa Jane Lincoln
Shane Dale Linden
Brandon Reid Lucari
Morgan Taylor Mahnke
Jocelyn Hannah Marks
Kelly Rose Martin
Hannah Mast
John Duero Mathie
Aaron James May
Isaac Douglas Mehlhaff
Gage Harrison Meyer
Mackenzie Meyer
Alison Arlene Montenegro
Adam J. Mumm
Brianna Murphy
Nicholas E. Nager
Zachary Patrick Nan
Anthony Joseph Nestler
Ashley Tharika Ng
Andrew Robert O'Neil
Jennifer Ostrowski
Lucas Oxtoby
Catherine Marie Pearce
Sarah Kathryn Perreth
Eileen Kathryn Peterson
Dylan Pozorski
Kelsey K. Rahe
Helena Record
Victoria Lynn Rehfuss
Adam John Rieder
Nathan Leo Roth
Story Gresham Sandy
Shannon Sandra Schiereck
Elise Catherine Schimke
Noah Lincoln Schneider
Peter Nicholas Kelly Schuetz
Yuka Shiotani
Madeline Sicora
Natasha Michelle Simske
Ryan Mitchell Sinclair
Nausheen Singh
Lauren Ann Sklba
Justin Brian Sporleder
Alexander James Steiner
Alexandra Lee Steiner
Giovanna Marie Stern
Isaiah Stock
Tom Stone
Laura Strickland
Morgan Suhre
Yudong Sun
Liliann Marie Teister
Emily Christine Terlap
Hailey Alice Thompson
Amy Ticknor
Teague Joseph Tomesh
Joseph Daniel Trimarco
James R. Urban
Luke Valmadrid
Matthew Edwin Van Boxtel
Ranveer Mohan Singh Vasdev
Rose Walters
Mikele Grace Weldon
Mariel White
Thomas Robert Wiltshire
Xiaolei Wu
Yacong Wu
Susanna Katherine Yaeger-Weiss
Fanghao Zhong
Megan Ziesmann
Nicole E. Zindl
Katelyn Rose Zutter

3 students did not give permission to release their names for this purpose.